Mike Connors


Originally from Mount Pearl Newfoundland I moved to Nova Scotia in 1996 , where I  received a Bachelor of Kinesiology from Acadia University in 2000 with a specialization in Athletic Therapy.  In 2005 I graduated from the Dalhousie University School of Physiotherapy. I worked in the Annapolis Valley before joining the team at Young Kempt Physiotherapy in 2006 where I started as an employee and eventually took over the practice with my wife in 2010.  Since that time I have worked full time at Young Kempt Physiotherapy as a clinician and owner/ manager.  I also help manage our sister clinics Beaverbank Physiotherapy and Platinum Physiotherapy.

Following physiotherapy school I began the long path of postgraduate courses in Manual Therapy. I completed my Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy from the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) in 2011. Since that time I have continued to mentor other Physiotherapists completing this fellowship program. Outside of my regular clinic hours, I work part time at Dalhousie University in the Orthopaedics department of the School of Physiotherapy.

Over the past 9 years my postgraduate studies have brought me to Washington University in St. Louis where I have been able to work under Shirley Sahrmann and her amazing group studying human movement and how movement patterns and biomechanics relate to injuries.

Currently I treat a diverse group of clients ranging from young athletes, to weekend warriors, to armchair athletes. I am able to use my knowledge of manual and manipulative therapy,  functional movement and strength and conditioning to get to the source of the problem rather than the resulting pain.  I believe that it is never too late to start the journey of getting healthier and fitter.


I am a strong believer in living a healthy lifestyle. My recreational activities are broad but include CrossFit,  Olympic Weightlifting , Hockey, Golf, Mountain Biking and Disc Golf, though much of my down town is spent in a CrossFit gym training for CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting. I am also a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. Through training and coaching I have been able to understand the sport and get inside knowledge about form, technique and what it takes to train in a safe and healthy way. My expertise in Physiotherapy and Biomechanics has provided a different approach to treating and coaching CrossFitters and Weightlifters. This has transferred very well to all my patients of varied fitness levels.

My treatment philosophy involves providing patients with a comprehensive treatment plan, which involves manual therapy, exercise prescription, movement education and motor control retraining. Finally, I am a strong believer that a warm and friendly environment goes a long way in treating individuals. I try my best to provide a light atmosphere while giving my patients the best possible care based on years of treating, learning and teaching others. As business owners we are proud of the team we have around us and have tried to nurture this family atmosphere which shines through to our patients.

Orthopaedics and Manual Therapy 

  • Level 1-5–Upper and Lower Quadrant Manual and Manipulative Therapy Courses 
  • Certificate Of Advanced Manual & Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT) 

Movement Systems Impairment (Sahrmann)

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement System Impairment Syndromes: Lower Quarter Advanced Application (Long Course at Washington University)
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement System Impairment Syndromes: Upper Quarter Advanced Application (Long Course at Washington University)
  • Diagnosis of Movement System Impairment Syndromes: Lower Quarter Advanced Applications
  • Diagnosis of Movement System Impairment Syndromes: Upper Quarter Advanced Applications
  • The Diagnosis & Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes Level 1 – Shirley Sahrmann
  • Movement System Impairment of the Functional Fitness Athlete Movement System Impairment of the Foot and Ankle

Functional Fitness Courses:

  • CrossFit Level 1
  • Institute of Clinical Excellence : Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete : Essential Foundations
  • Institute of Clinical Excellence : Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete : Advanced Concepts
  • Movement Analysis of the Functional Fitness Athlete
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